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How to Choose a Business Name
Eight Rules to a Good Name
Is it Shareable?
Word of mouth is still king. Make sure your name is easily readable, pronounceable, and easily written.
Is it Memorable?
Will they recall your name when asked? Don't make it too complicated.
Is it Unique?
Can they mix you up with your competitors? Be sure your name doesn't sound like your competitors name.
Is it Search Friendly?
A name such as "Naming Force" will come up before other names when searching for "naming contests".
Is it Available?
INC, LLC, trademark, and/or domain name? Check all of these before deciding on a name.
Is it Timeless?
Don't use buzz words or slang.
Is it Interesting?
Boring is bogus. Plain is poor. Vanilla is vile.
Is it Flexible?
Don't over-do your focus. Using a name that is too narrow could cause problems if you expand your products or services.
I haven't started a Naming Contest because:
I have unanswered questions
I'm just not ready, yet
I'm not convinced it works
Overall cost is too high
I don't want to answer this. Don't ask again.