GS1 ( is a standards organization behind the famous barcode that is used on products sold in almost every store in the world. Now that people shop more online, they want to know that a product IS what it SAYS it is. The problem is that there is a lot of product data out there, some of which is legitimate, but much is crowdsourced or unverified.

We are building the world's largest source of trusted (brand-authorized) product information. A cloud-based platform that will be the "go to" place for brand owners to upload, store and share the data needed for the barcodes to do their work, not only at the checkout counter, but online. (Think: "Google Maps" for product data.)

Retailers, online marketplaces and tech developers will access the data and provide to consumers via apps.

We now call it the GS1 Cloud, but are hoping you can find an attractive and meaningful name for this e-commerce game-changer.


GS1 CodeStar

by TKO