- IoT product
- Autonomous (integrated solar panel) and connected wind sensor
- Sleek and compact design (one piece, no wire)
- It can connect anywhere on earth via GSM and the measures can be accessed from anywhere via a mobile app.
- All measures are opendata, can be accessed by anyone having the app installed.
- Alarms (SMS/mobile App) can be triggered based on thresholds
- usage : monitoring wind/weather conditions remotely to help decision making/avoid risks/anticipate actions
- segment markets are consumers AND entreprise
>consumers : outdoor sports (paragliding, kitesurfing, windsurfing, sailing, aeronautics, shooting), weather geeks
>enterprise : examples
Firefighting - risk management - anticipate fire path with local wind conditions
Crane industry - safety regulation, need monitoring wind conditions
Harbour - high wind manoeuvres in different locations
Fertilizer spreading - need weather conditions at working location
Drone industry - fast growing, need weather conditions at working location
Electrical line network - Energy efficiency - knowing weather condition to better manage waste
Mining industry - environmental regulation, need monitoring wind conditions
Building facility management - energy efficiency, adapt HVAC to weather conditions
- market positionning : High end product, professional manufactured, sleek and compact design, reliability and ease of use,
- development saught : worldwide thru distributors/ecommerce, on any market segment possible
- modular/extensible : future additional features will be added to improve ability to monitor more parameters
- naming should:
- help the personification of the product ("I love my XXX")
- reflect that the product sits alone on a perch on a remote area and watch for the weather and alert on condition
- must be spelled and written easily in any country
- not be long or double name, preferably a proper noun