A behavior change consulting company is looking for a name for it’s collection of Intellectual Property that it licenses to other companies. The intellectual property includes: proprietary assessment questions, customized feedback, and communications (e.g., behavior change nudges that can be sent via text message) to address an organization’s specific behavior change or engagement needs and challenges. The Intellectual Property is based on decades of scientific study by expert behavior change scientists.

The main purpose of these assessments and tailored feedback elements is to improve tailored, evidence-based health & well-being interventions, solutions, and messaging for our client’s members or patients. We assist our clients in implementing our recommendations into their own existing technology platforms.

Ideal name would be 1 or 2 words, or a short phrase that would appeal to an employer, HR rep, researcher/scientist, or other business professional. This name would be used to market to businesses, not end users. Name should be a professional descriptor.


TruWell Solutions

by colima


by Solidroque