The Problem
As per the Local Land Services Act 2013, all land managers in NSW, whether on public or private land, have an obligation under the act to control declared pest species on their land. Whilst fauna is an essential and valued part of our environment, it is sometimes necessary to undertake animal control to prevent potential damage to crops, livestock, buildings and harm to people. However, having the ability to do so may present a challenge due to issues with available or the more productive use of manpower & time management, risk management, and lack of required licensing to conduct the work in-house whilst providing limited tax benefits from undertaking pest animal control oneself.
The Solution
A rural company that provides pest animal control services to rural landholders and businesses in the Sydney, Southern NSW and ACT areas. We operate in compliance with all licensing requirements and abide by a strict code of conduct. We are available to service the needs of rural landholders, farms, commercial buildings, warehouses, and government entities that require feral animal management services.
All of our staff are professional contract shooters engaged in controlling vertebrate pest animals on rural and non-rural land (such as commercial and industrial areas in populated areas) and are holders of the following:
NSW Firearms License for Category A, B and D firearms, with ‘Vertebrate Pest Animal Control (VPAC)/Contract Shooter’ and ‘Business Other’ as a genuine reason;
NSW Prohibited Weapons permits for firearm suppressors, allowing reduced noise and, therefore, increased productivity in pest control operations; AMPGAM303 – Use Firearms to Safely and Humanely Harvest Wild Game; AHCPMG304 – Use firearms to destroy animals humanely.
If required to provide game management services for native fauna, such as kangaroos and birdlife, the property occupier must offer the applicable permits (s121). We can work with our clients to obtain the required licenses from the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage and the NSW Department of Primary Industries (NPWS / LLS).
Why Use a Contract Shooter?-Insurance and Risk Mitigation-Whilst the majority of rural landholders are used to being approached to allow recreational hunters to operate upon their properties, the risks associated with enabling potentially unlicensed, uninsured or poorly disciplined shooters upon your property are greatly outweighed by the potentially catastrophic financial and legal consequences to your property, stock or persons as a registered business holding $20,000,000 in public liability insurance, engaging in professional shooting services comes without the potential risks that using recreational hunters entails. Tax Benefits
We supply an invoice for all services provided. For a business, this allows for the claiming of a tax deduction.


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