We are a new real estate development company is Atlanta, Georgia creating conscientiously scaled and designed, residentially-driven, mixed-use properties. We are different because we bring a non-traditional viewpoint to the development process (we are founded by technology entrepreneurs with a passion for challenging the norm); we are relevant because we are vested and invested in the communities in which we are inspired to build and bring a forward-looking and thought provoking lens to the development process; and finally, a personal passion for building good design. Projects will include commercial retail, office and residential units. The Ownership Team is entrepreneurial, witty, smart, diverse, honest, full of integrity, generous, trustworthy and creative. We need a name that is easy to pronounce and spell, commands attention, captivates the reader, provides our target markets with a sense of playfulness and maybe is a bit unexpected.


Evolving Acres

by ProGen

Beyond Real Estate

by brom4880