Hello NamingForce Namers,

Could be good to use a combination of our concept paired with a ¨persons¨name. Lucy, Jay, Mary, or other unrelated names.

We are launching a Subscription-based business in which we will offer different (3) ¨combos¨ or ¨boxes¨ of a combination of lighters and rolling papers. We are going to be working with the leading brands of lighters (clipper lighters), and Rolling Papers(RAW brand). Basically users subscribe and pay a monthly fee and receive monthly shipments (¨boxes¨) delivered to their doors.

Our main target is Cannabis Smokers between the ages 18-35. A very big and important part of our business is to create a community/culture with our users, we want to make the experience as personal and unique as possible to each users. We will be sending a lot of gifts and promotional material in each of our ¨boxes¨, as well as monthly notes from our team.

A couple of good websites to have as a reference are:

We are looking for a young, fresh, catchy, ¨trendable¨ name with a professional and modern component. Users go from college students to working professionals. We are looking for a catchy and clean domain name as well.

Since we have made strategic alliances with the main brands, we will be pricing our products below regular market price. We also would like to eventually create a video to capture users, it would be nice to have a name that we can comfortably use in our videos.

Please let me know if anyone has any questions and we will gladly answer them.

Happy Naming everyone.


LeafyLane Club

by aceroc