Monobind is a manufacturer of immunoassays (blood test kits) for clinical labs across the world (100 countries). Currently we have the following trademark brands, AccuBind ELISA kits, AccuLite CLIA kits, QSure quality controls, and VAST (Versatile Analyte Selection Technology).
We are launching a new version of our AccuBind and AccuLite and need a brand to distinguish it as we do with VAST which is available in both AccuBind and AccuLite.
This new test will include only 2 Calibrators (instead of 6) and allow users to import a Master Curve through a BAR-CODE SCAN function from our quality certificate. Therefore techs will be able to use more of the provided wells (96) for patients rather than calibrators and their COST per test goes down. This is the UNIQUE position of this product. It is more efficient not necessarily faster reaction (as rapid testing is a different concept in the industry and we need to avoid the word rapid), but it can offer more throughput on the patient testing loads.
In summary the brand should sound good with AccuBind and AccuLite as similarly as we combine with AccuBind VAST ELISA Kit and AccuLite VAST CLIA Kit.



by Zeroxmachina


by SteffieRae