We are looking for a new brand name for our swiss based hedge fund with an international investor base. The brand may include blends, made up, misspelled or acronyms of the word "Volatility".

What type of name do you want? Professional/Serious or Modern/Techie
What style of name do you want? Real Words, Blends, Made Up, Misspelled, Acronyms
Keywords you would like considered: Volatility
Preferred name length (shortness): Up to three words
Who are your target customers? International investor base
What are the names of your top three competitors? Millennium Management, Renaissance Technologies, Glenview Capital, Two Sigma Investments

Please note the following wishes to the name, use one or more:
State of the art technology
Historical or mythical figure
Elements, colours

Please consider that the brand name should be in line with industry standards (see competitors above).
Looking forward to seeing your names.


Volateck Capital

by MaskedBrandit