Name Crazy

10 Chosen Names



We are the PARENT company of a variety of health and human services businesses committed to innovative care management tools and programs offered through a unique mix of high-tech and high-touch solutions to enhance safety and independence and improve outcomes for each individual we serve. Our care professionals work in thousands of communities across the United States " helping more than 2 million people a year. Our Connected Home model of the future is an industry-leading approach to achieving strong quality and compliance while also driving efficiency and cutting waste. The model includes the use of proprietary electronic health records (EHRs) and analytics, medication management, remote monitoring and telehealth, and behavioral health services and care management to create an outcomes-based environment that helps people live their best life.


The Knitted Fit

We make knitted sweaters with any design on demand.


Azure Lighting

We are a U.K based LED Lighting specialist company. Our main focus of business will be to supply and install LED lighting to retail and office buildings. The lighting we are installing is designed to be energy efficient and low impact on environment. The savings produced by our installations are substantial enough to repay the client within 2 years. After which they will save substantial money on their energy bill for years to come. The ideal name will both be used as a company name and also a brand for the LED Lights. I.E VEVO Lighting LTD (VEVO used as a brand on the Lights installed) VEVO is just an Example, we do not want it in our name. Other Exapmles would be: VEVO VAIO REVO VISIO ROX CONNEX VISTA We are ideally looking for a made up name or compound that is easy to pronounce and spell. That is modern and short. Thank you for any entries submitted


private contest - chosen name kept private



Golden Helix is launching a new genome browser ( It raises the bar on the user experience by allowing researchers to view genetic data in a way that is fluid, interactive, elegant, and incredibly fast. Data can be streamed via the cloud or viewed locally. Annotation tracks give context to variations in the genome and opportunities to explore them further.


private contest - chosen name kept private


private contest - chosen name kept private


Reach Out Advertising

Out-of-Home Advertising Company that provides a network of locations that offer:1.Frames that are strategically placed inside high traffic restrooms. Features are: Guaranteed Readership, 100% Gender Specific, Frequency, and Captive Audience. 2. Backlit signs that are placed in high traffic common areas in cafeterias, student pubs and student centres, on College and University campuses. Frequency, High Impact, Full Colour and Increased Brand Awareness


Complete Entry Control

The supply and installation of automatic gates and access control.We serve all; industrial, comercial, domestic.We are looking for a full business name for this!Some ideas are:'Choice automation', 'complete access systems', etc.


Advanced Egg

We sell a a plant-based egg replacer. Our technology enables the world's largest (and smallest) food companies to reduce costs and embed sustainability in their supply chains by removing eggs from their products. You know, "Intel Inside"? Imagine seeing our name: "_____ Inside" on a package of cookies or ice cream or mayo -- any and all products made with eggs!Examples of possible names: Sunray, etc. *** Note: Corny names = Loser names. PLEASE DO NOT USE "EGG(s)" IN THE NAME!!!!!!