We are a UK trade only ecommerce store which supplies £1 pound items and random cheap job lots to the trade. everything from stationery, tools, cleaning, pet items, batteries, toys, DIY, candles. All cheap discount items but well packaged and good quality.

We have 2 types of customer areas:

1. The first type of customer is "retail style" customers like pound shops, household stores, cash and carry, wholesalers, gift shops, souvenir stores, DIY shops, Gas stations, Greeting card stores, Garden Centres. These are regular customers where they come back again and again to buy our regular everyday selling range which is a fixed range of 150 products which are always in stock.

2. The second type of customer is a job lotter or market trader who just wants to buy anything cheap and sell it on. These are customers who want to buy liquidated stock, bankrupt stock, clearance lines in bulk, auction stock lots. e.g. anything cheap where they can resell it on ebay, amazon or go on the road reselling the stock or sell it at a market stall. These customers are one off purchases as in it just depends what clearance items we have at the time. These products are totally random and could be anything whatever we have sourced that week and we have listed on our website.

We need a company name which fits both markets. The regular retail store customers and the job lot type of customer who wants to buy anything cheap.

We sell things in bulk quantity only. We will sell £1 items anywhere from 20p per item up to 70p per item. Wholesale quantities only.

We need the company name to say:
1. You will find excellent deals
2. We are an established import distribution company, not like a tacky ecommerce job lot website someone has randomly put up with hardly any products listed
3. We are not a junk store. We have regular top selling products combined with weekly job lot clearance deals
4. Although we sell cheap stocks we don't want the business to sound tacky.


TopCherry Imports

by Addasin82